//! MCU core clock support.
//! This module contains common definitions to abtract over the MCU core clock speed. `avr-hal`
//! does not support changing the clock-speed at runtime.
//! Most items in this module are re-exported from [`avr_hal_generic::clock`].
pub use avr_hal_generic::clock::*;
pub(crate) mod default {
/// Default clock speed for this board.
/// `arduino-hal` contains a lot of type aliases for assuming this clock speed. As such it is
/// easiest to keep the processor at the selected default speed.
/// However, you can of course still use other clock speeds but you'll then need to correctly
/// name the types from the HAL crate using your own clock definition.
feature = "arduino-diecimila",
feature = "arduino-leonardo",
feature = "arduino-mega2560",
feature = "arduino-mega1280",
feature = "arduino-nano",
feature = "arduino-uno",
feature = "sparkfun-promicro",
feature = "sparkfun-promini-5v",
feature = "trinket-pro",
feature = "nano168",
pub type DefaultClock = avr_hal_generic::clock::MHz16;
#[cfg(any(feature = "trinket", feature = "sparkfun-promini-3v3"))]
pub type DefaultClock = avr_hal_generic::clock::MHz8;